Learn About meditation-induced light visions

Meditation-Induced Light visions have been experienced for centuries by people from all walks of life. Explore this neurological analysis of how meditation is related to light visions. See the outline of the chapters below...

Sky Picture Flashes from meditation-induced light visions
Sky Picture Flashes from meditation-induced light visions

Author's story


"...I had been suffering from insomnia—an unusual experience for me—and, as a result, I'd accumulated a substantial sleep deficit. I can be quite sure about the timing because I knew precisely when I got in bed and when I got out, and, by this criterion, I could not have slept for more than four of the preceding thirty-six hours. The night when the paroxysmal episode occurred, I found myself still awake and alert at four o'clock in the morning. I decided to get in bed and meditate in the hope that this would induce enough relaxation for me to fall asleep. When I concentrated my attention while in this sleep-deprived condition, the familiar light visions begin to flow. I noticed that the phosphenes seemed to be unusually bright, but then suddenly everything changed..."